Maintaining a resilient supply chain
We believe that good ethics and a strong commitment to corporate responsibility and sustainable business practices are essential for managing a strong supply chain.
As part of our focus on operational efficiency, we are actively engaging with our suppliers to mitigate business environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks, improve sustainable product performance and reduce inefficiencies in our operations.
We also expect our suppliers to abide by our Supplier Code of Conduct, which we use as a tool to promote a deep orientation towards first-class quality levels and the importance of complying with high ethical, environmental and social standards. Bombardier has been a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact since 2007 and is thus committed to actively promoting the Compact’s ten fundamental principles addressing human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption. Our Supplier Code of Conduct integrates these principles to ensure our suppliers uphold the same standards.
We recently reviewed our Supplier Code of Conduct to keep on par with international standards, especially with respect to anti-corruption, human rights and forced labour. In the last years, no significant violations to our Supplier Code of Conduct were discovered.
Empowering our supply chain
Many of the issues associated with global procurement are common to our industry as a whole. We continuously collaborate with industry peers to enhance sustainable supply chain management and find alternatives to comply with changing regulations when certain chemicals become obsolete. At Bombardier, we also provide trainings on environmental compliance and management to our supply chain agents.
Engaging with a thriving supply chain is essential to our success. Over the past years, we have taken significant steps to streamline procurement activities. Our Supplier Diamond Awards share best practices and highlight suppliers operational performance and competitiveness. The awards aim to:
- Motivate our supply chain to achieve excellence
- Build mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers
- Align our language, expectations and definition of excellence
- Source strategically and make better decisions for partnerships